
The Yarrow Room at Lewes Town Hall

SMHS meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm for 8.00pm start, Yarrow Room, Lewes Town Hall Ground Floor (first door on the left) High Street, Lewes East Sussex BN7 2QS Tel: - 01273 471469

Details of other events (such as visits and other social events) are listed in the monthly newsletter which is emailed to members on the Friday before each meeting.

Entry to SMHS monthly meetings is £4 for members but visitors are always welcome; admission for non-members is £6.

There is time before and after the talk to meet new friends and talk 'shop'.

We don't always fill our meetings calendar for the entire year in advance; this allows us to be flexible.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Subject: A medical officer's journals from Operation CORPORATE

Speaker: Andy Meredith
A talk by Andy Meredith, a retired ENT consultant and Surg Cdr RN, with a MA from Portsmouth in Naval History. Andy writes: "Some of you will be aware of medical support to the armed forces during Operation CORPORATE through the book 'The Red and Green Life Machine' by Surg Cdr Rick Jolly, but few will know much about the contribution of the Medical Officers in frigates and destroyers. These relatively junior medical officers and their staff of medical branch ratings dealt with a range of injuries and conditions in difficult circumstances. Reading their Medical Officers' Journals (normally restricted for 100 years but made available in redacted form) provides insight into their experiences."

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Subject: TBC


Wednesday 16 October 2024

Subject: TBC


Wednesday 20 November 2024

Subject: TBC


Wednesday 18 December 2024

Subject: TBC


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